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We’re excited to connect!
To get started, select a date from an event calendar below to see availability for that day. All offerings are listed in US Eastern Time. You can use this time zone converter to confirm both your time and date. Unless otherwise noted, virtual sessions will not be recorded.
Questions? Contact the Office of Admission via email or by phone, (413) 538-2023.
Weather in South Hadley, MA |
3 day forecast for South Hadley, MA (01075)
Virtual Info Sessions
These events will take place on Zoom in the webinar format.
| | Focus on Riding (on-campus)
Application 101 (virtual)
for Domestic studentsInternational applicants are encouraged to attend one of our Application 101 for International Students sessions on November 6 or November 11 |
Financial Aid 101 (virtual)
Application 101 (virtual)
for International Students
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